
in the United States and Canada

All humanity, one family.

Focolare is a global community.
It’s a Gospel-based ecclesial movement for spiritual and social renewal. We’re committed to building fraternal relationships among individuals, peoples, religions and cultures, by engaging in dialogue.

The goal is unity.

The art of loving

Giving of ourselves can be lifted to an art form. We aim to spread love that is universal, proactive, unconditional, empathetic, inclusive and reciprocal—whether in personal relationships or any sector of society.

Unity in diversity

Being one does not mean being the same! We focus on establishing dialogues with people who have no religious affiliation, between the world’s religions, among Christian denominations,
and within the Catholic Church.

A more united world

Despite today’s polarity, unity is possible. We create cultural and social projects that contribute to a more equal, just and harmonious society, where everyone can feel part of the rich mosaic that is the human family.

A spirituality for today’s world.

Every Focolare initiative is rooted in its spirituality of unity,
a lifestyle shared by many people of all ages and backgrounds.
It transforms our lives and relationships for the better.

Spirituality and Life

On Point is a video series that will introduce you to the pillars of the Spirituality of Unity of the Focolare Movement through real-life stories.

Unity is a story worth telling.

My Search for True Happiness

My Search for True Happiness 1280 720 Matteo Pota

Discover the inspiring journey of Renata, as she finds true happiness and her vocation through faith, relationships, and personal growth within the Focolare community.

The Pact Between Chiara Lubich and Imam WD Mohammed

The Pact Between Chiara Lubich and Imam WD Mohammed 1280 720 Matteo Pota

In 1997 Focolare founder Chiara Lubich was invited by Imam W. D. Mohammed, a charismatic leader of African-American Muslims, to present her message to the faithful gathered at the Malcolm X Mosque in Harlem.

From my neighborhood to the world

From my neighborhood to the world 1280 720 Matteo Pota

Mike Morse shares about his vocation as a consecrated member in the Focolare Movement.

Believing in God’s Love during our son’s illness

Believing in God’s Love during our son’s illness 1280 720 Matteo Pota

Mike and Jeanette Zwartjes share how they believed in God’s Love after their son John was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

What people say about Focolare